Pink Iris Perfume
Abel Perfume Pink Iris lifestyle photo with roses
Abel Perfume Pink Iris - model holding perfume
Abel Perfume Pink Iris - photo with model in trench coat
Abel Perfume Pink Iris regular size and small bottle
Abel Perfume Pink Iris lifestyle photo perfume lying on roses
Abel Perfume Pink Iris - bedroom
Abel Perfumes Mood
Pink Iris Perfume 15 ml
Pink Iris Perfume Deluxe Sample
Pink Iris Perfume

Pink Iris Perfume

Regular price€145,00
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Pink Iris Parfum von Abel: Frisches Basilikum und prickelnder Sichuan-Pfeffer öffnen dieses traditionelle Blumenbouquet. Die namensgebende Iris glänzt zwischen den Aromen von Rose, Jasmin und natürlichem Moschus.

  • Kopfnoten: Sichuan-Pfeffer, Himbeerblatt, Basilikum
  • Herznoten: Orriswurzel (Iris), Rose, Jasmin
  • Grundnoten: Vanille, Moschus

Die Herrlichkeit des Lebens, der Reichtum, der unvergessliche Geschmack, der darauf wartet, entdeckt zu werden, Hitze-Schimmer, der den Blick verdeckt, sehen, was man fühlt...

"Seit Jahren fragen unsere Kunden nach einem floralen Duft, und seit Jahren hatte ich eine sehr klare Vorstellung von dem klassischen floralen Duft, den wir kreieren wollten - das olfaktorische Äquivalent eines zeitlosen Trench Coats." Frances Shoemack, Gründerin von Abel

  • 1% des Umsatzes von Pink Iris spendet Abel an die gemeinnützige Plastic Soup Foundation

Bei Abel glauben wir an die Kraft und Schönheit von Düften. An ihre Fähigkeit, das tägliche Leben auf eine Weise zu bereichern, wie es nichts anderes kann! Wir glauben, dass dieser Genuss keinen negativen Einfluss auf die Erde, die Umwelt oder Sie haben darf. Unsere Inhaltsstoffe sind 100% natürlich!



  • Je nach Bedarf auf den Innenseiten der Handgelenke, seitlich am Hals oder auf den Haaren auftragen.


    • sichuan pepper oil - China
    • basil oil - Comores Islands
    • bergamot oil - Italy
    • lemon oil - Italy
    • grapefruit oil - Italy
    • methyl anthranilate - *naturally derived grape note
    • carrot seed oil
    • hexenol cis-3 - *naturally derived matcha tea note
    • frambinon® - *naturally derived raspberry leaf note
    • cabreuva oil - Paraguay
    • linalool oil
    • rose absolute
    • phenylethyl acetate nat. - *naturally derived honey note
    • citronellol
    • jasmin absolute - Egypt
    • violet leaves absolute - Egypt
    • lonone beta - *naturally derived rose note
    • orris butter concrete - France
    • heliotropin/piperonal - *naturally derived vanilla note
    • vanillin - *naturally derived vanilla note
    • bezoin siam absolute
    • tonka bean absolute - Venezuela
    • ambroxan - *naturally derived ambergris note
    • Ambrettolide - *naturally derived musk note
    • non-denatured food grade grain alcohol - Italy *organic

    INCI (mögliche Allergene): limonene, citronellon, linalool, benzyl benzoate, farnesol, citral, coumarin, eugenol, geraniol, isoeugenol, benzyl alcohol, benzyl cinnamate, benzyl salicylate


    Are there fragrances in the collection which are more masculine/feminine?

    The whole collection is gender-neutral (unisex). If you are looking for a more traditionally masculine fragrance, we recommend Grey Labdanum. If you are looking for a more traditionally feminine fragrance, we recommend Golden Neroli or Pink Iris.

    How concentrated are your perfumes?

    The vita odor collection is high concentration “eau de parfum”, with each fragrance having a minimum of 15% pure perfume oils.

    Can you layer Abel perfume?

    Yes indeed… all our perfumes share the same DNA which makes them great for layering, you really can’t go wrong. If you’d like help getting started, you can read our tips and favourite combinations on our layering perfume journal post.

    Are your perfumes actually 100% natural?

    Yes. Creating natural perfume that is chic, modern and long lasting (i.e. without compromising) is our raison d’etre. So although we are flattered you don’t believe our fragrances are all natural, we can confirm they are. More specifically, we use a highly concentrated formula of natural oils, concretes and isolates (naturally derived single aroma compounds), set in a food-grade (non-denatured), organic alcohol base.

    Does a 100% natural perfume stay on your skin?

    Yes. We have worked hard on our vita odor collection to ensure our perfumes do last on your skin. In particular the addition of long lasting “natural isolates” (see above) helps with our perfumes longevity. However some fragrances last longer than others. I.e. Golden Neroli is a citrus floral that dissipates more quickly than the others. Pink Iris is a denser floral musk and has surprising staying power. Grey Labdanum and Cobalt Amber are comprised of longer lasting ingredients such as resins.

    How can I make the perfume last longer?

    There are a few things you can do to increase the life of your perfume on your skin. We recommend moisturising (with a fragrance free cream or oil) before you apply your perfume as the drier your skin, the more quickly it will absorb the fragrance oils. Perfume applied to your hair and / or clothes will last longer than perfume applied to your skin. Also think about where you apply your perfume – pulse points are good for the fragrance developing on your skin, however the inside of your wrists isn’t good if you are typing on a computer all day – where it will rub off, or washing your hands regularly – where it will wash off. When applied near your nose (i.e. your neck), you become desensitised quickly from the constant smelling, so although others will smell your perfume, you won’t.

    Why should I choose a natural perfume like Abel?

    If you care about the environment, those around you and your own health, then Abel is a beautiful, safe alternative to the largely synthetic fragrances available on the market. Most synthetic aroma molecules are synthesized from crude oil, a non renewable resource. Some of these molecules are non-biodegradable and accumulate in the food chain, environment and our bodies. You can read more on our journal post about why we love natural perfume, and we avoid synthetic ingredients.

    Are your products vegan?

    Yes, indeed. Our fragrances do not contain any ingredients from animal origin, nor are they tested on animals… we’re big fans of the little furry guys too.

    What is in the perfume?

    Plant-derived perfume oils, concretes and absolute. Naturally derived single aroma compounds, i.e. natural musk from the hibiscus seed. And organically certified non-denatured food-grade alcohol. That’s it. See the full ingredients list of each fragrance here.

    FAQ are from Abel. FAQ stammen von Abel.

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        Customer Reviews

        Based on 1 review
        Zeitlos und individuell

        Der Duft macht einfach gute Laune! Ein blumiger Duft, aber nicht zu kitschig und gar nicht parfümig. Es verschmilzt sofort mit einem, so dass er sehr individuell und persönlich wirkt. Ich fühl mich in dem Duft sehr wohl, er ergänzt mich.

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